Visual Identity
Visual Identity
Equality Health Communitiy
Equality Health Communitiy
Website Sitemap rev 7
Website Sitemap rev 7
The Problem
Equality Health, a startup MSO (Management Service Organization) a private company in Arizona, whose mission was to demonstrate the growing need for Hispanic and minority healthcare partnerships and reduce hospital admissions through their strategic business divisions.
Through research we found minority target segments had particular sensitivities about visiting an urgent care or a primary care physician and for many the first choice became the emergency room.  Many of these patients had more than one chronic disease and needed continual health assessment by their Primary Care Physician. The question became "How do we improve the health of diverse populations?"

The Solution
Our team did this by working proactively and creating a model that breaks down barriers and addresses social determinants of health, and helps to build bridges between patients and doctors.
Once we had our scope of work, we kicked off the discovery phase of the needed projects by first assessing the "who" we are with our brand mission. We researched the brand identities of competitors  as well as establishing department processes.
The brand development was predominantly in the digital space; website development, mobile application product development, social media and the  "Go to market" plans for Equality Health Network, Q-Point and Equality Health Foundation.

My role
Marketing Manager
Brand Development ‣ Identity Designer (Logo, Colors, Typography & Imagery)  ‣ Visual Design  ‣ Mobile Prototype  ‣ Sitmaps ‣ Advertising  ‣ Social Media  ‣ Digital assets  ‣  Creative Direction
Tools Used ‣ AdobeXd ‣ Adobe Illustrator ‣ Adobe Photoshop ‣ Hootsuite WordPress  ‣ Project Management  ‣ BaseCamp
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