Using Social-Media Tools to Connect with Users
New Website Coming Soon
The Problem
The hope of States of Kindness is to encourage, inspire and present these generational users with options in their local community events, promote kindness, and spread awareness.
How do we create a constant dialogue online with these users? There were also changes to social media algorithms, making it harder to connect. How can we better understand the user experience.

My role
Developer (UX Designer)
User Research ‣ Competitive analysis ‣ Perceptual Map ‣ Brand Development   Brand persona  ‣ Visual Design ‣ Website Wireframe Mobile Prototype  ‣ Sitmap ‣ Advertising ‣ Social Media channels  Digital assets  ‣ Creative Direction ‣ YouTube Videos
Tools Used ‣ AdobeXd ‣ Adobe Illustrator ‣ Adobe Photoshop ‣ Hootsuite ‣ WordPress  ‣ Project Management
The Solution
We want to connect generationally and build on new opportunities for volunteering, donating, and  to be inspired to make change in their communities.
We assembled a group of test participants for Phase I, and recruited thirty participants, ages 22–28 from a local college. For our study, we talked to them over two months, but we didn't have the budget to set up a multi-city, multi-state, in-person, and we needed a wide variety of people from around the US. We started our user reach with Facebook and Instagram. We posted surveys, mini-polls, and other requests and received responses, with an average of 70% completion rate.
We found Facebook's integrated polls were the most engaging.
Our findings concluded that our test users are happy to read stories about inspiring stories, but seldom actually commit to helping or even share stories the stories we post physically.
I am currently developing the business model for States of Kindness based on the competitive analysis, create a brand persona during Phase II, at the same time complete the brand's visual identity.
Channel Art for States of Kindness
Channel Art for States of Kindness
Social Media Art for States of Kindness
Social Media Art for States of Kindness
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